VIDEO: How to Conduct a Special Observance
Special Observances
View the following video clip to learn more about the products available to support your local program.
Special Observance Products Video
Other Tools
► Cultural Observances and Awareness Events Listing CY2024
► Special Observance Planning Guide (pdf)
► Special Observance Planning Guide (ppt)
Many of our DEOMI observance and awareness event products are designed without dates and may be used for any event year. Choose the product or design that best fits your needs. DEOMI provides these products for observance and awareness months to be used to facilitate organizational and personal activities. In addition, DEOMI provides both completed products and modifiable templates which may be used to showcase your events or observance information.
If you have questions about Special Observances or the Observance Support Products, please contact the DEOMI Public Affairs Office at deomipa@us.af.mil.
Theme: Remember! Celebrate! Act! A Day On, Not A Day Off!
The observance of the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. was established by Public Law 98-144. This national day of service is celebrated on the third Monday in January. The theme for this event does not change each year.
► Martin Luther King, Jr. Day DEOMI News Release
► USD Personnel & Readiness Memo on Martin Luther King Jr. Day
► Poster Description
Note: The posters may not be used in any manner that would reflect negatively on the DoD; degrade the name, reputation, or public goodwill of the DoD Components; or be contrary to DoD community relations objectives. Furthermore, use by non-federal entities may not create the appearance of DoD endorsement, affiliation, or sponsorship.
Click the images below to download / open the product shown
Depending on your browser you may be required to either open or save the file.
If you choose "open" some browsers will send the file to your download folder rather
than opening the document. Please check your download folder for the product.
Product is provided as a PowerPoint Presentation so that you may edit the product and add your own event information, add or remove slides, portray unit personnel...make it your own! Larger presentations may be provided as pdf files for convenience.
The Video Clip is provided as a compliment to the presentation and can be played at unit events. The video highlights important figure(s) in this category.
Social Media Banner
Download the observance screen saver to show your support all month long!
The Social Media Banner is designed to fit the requirements of most social media platforms. Also available for other platforms.
► Download LinkedIn Banner
Facts Mini Poster
Facts Mini Poster Template
The Facts Mini Poster is a finished product which is designed to use as is and showcases the current poster along with a selection of facts and/or links (QR Codes) to relevant materials. Provided as a pdf file. |
The Facts Mini Poster Template contains a fully
editable center portion to which you can add your own observance information. Get creative! Use this design to support your event in a variety of ways! Provided as a .doc file. |
Invitation/Thank You Card
The Program Template is fully editable to which you can add your own observance information. Use this design to support your event in a variety of ways! Provided as a .doc file.
The bookmark is designed at five per sheet and can be printed on standard 8.5 X 11 inch paper. For best results print in color on heavy cardstock, laminate, and cut apart. We've used both cold and hot lamination with great results. |
Use the Invitation/Thank You Card as is or tailor it to personalize your invitations and thank you notes. Provided as a .doc file. |
Activity Book
The Activity Book is designed to share with your younger event attendees but can be enjoyed by all ages. It showcases coloring pages and encourages learning through games and activities. Please note this product is designed to print two-sided and flip on the short edge. Put the pages in order then staple or fold in the middle. |
The Placemat is designed to be printed on one side or two as needed to support your luncheon or other observance activity. The product may contain interactive smartphone links and videos. It can be printed at 8.5 X 11 or 8.5 X 17 inches. |
Additional Resources, Links or other References
Additional Resources
► Resource Base
Use the Resource Base to populate the editable mini poster template above or to create your own presentation or observance products.
External Links
► Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service
► Martin Luther King, Jr. Research and Education Institute
► Nobel Prize Organization (Biography)
► The King Center
► Department of Defense Education Activity Calendar
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Archives
This link contains all previous years' posters and support products as available. Current years' products remain on the webpage above and won't appear in the archives until the next set of new products are posted. Archived products are either undated or editable so they can be used for any observance year as desired.
► Click Here for the MLK Archives
Theme: African Americans and the Arts
The observance of African American / Black History Month was established by Public Law 99-244. This observance runs through the month of February and celebrates the contributions of African Americans to our nation. The theme for this event changes each year.
► Black History Month DEOMI News Release
► USD Personnel & Readiness Memo on Black History Month
► Poster Description
Note: The posters may not be used in any manner that would reflect negatively on the DoD; degrade the name, reputation, or public goodwill of the DoD Components; or be contrary to DoD community relations objectives. Furthermore, use by non-federal entities may not create the appearance of DoD endorsement, affiliation, or sponsorship.
Theme: Women Who Have Made Great Achievements.
The observance recognizing women's contributions was established by Public Law 100-9. This observance runs through the month of March and celebrates the struggles and achievements of women throughout the history of the United States.
Note: The posters may not be used in any manner that would reflect negatively on the DoD; degrade the name, reputation, or public goodwill of the DoD Components; or be contrary to DoD community relations objectives. Furthermore, use by non-federal entities may not create the appearance of DoD endorsement, affiliation, or sponsorship.
Click the images below to download / open the product shown
Depending on your browser you may be required to either open or save the file.
If you choose "open" some browsers will send the file to your download folder rather
than opening the document. Please check your download folder for the product.
Product is provided as a Power Point Presentation so that you may edit the product and add your own event information, add or remove slides, portray unit personnel...make it your own! Larger presentations may be provided as pdf files for convenience. |
The Video Clip is provided as a compliment to the presentation and can be played at unit events. The video highlights important figure(s) in this category. |
Screensaver / Wallpaper
Social Media Banner
Download the observance screen saver to show your support all month long! |
The Social Media Banner is designed to fit the requirements of most social media platforms. |
Facts Mini Poster
Facts Mini Poster Template
The Facts Mini Poster is a finished product which is designed to use as is and showcases the current poster along with a selection of facts and links (QR Codes) to relevant materials. Provided as a pdf file. |
The Facts Mini Poster Template
contains a fully editable center portion to which you can add your own observance information. Get creative! Use this design to support your event in a variety of ways! Provided as a .doc file. |
Invitation/Thank You Card
The Program Template is fully editable. Add your own observance information to highlight an individual or your unit event. Provided as a .doc file. |
The bookmark is designed at five per sheet and can be printed on standard 8.5 X 11 inch paper. For best results print in color on heavy cardstock, laminate, and cut apart. We've used both cold and hot lamination with great results. |
Use the Invitation/Thank You Card as is or tailor it to personalize your invitations and thank you notes. Provided as a .doc file. |
Activity Book
The Activity Book is designed to share with your younger event attendees but can be enjoyed by all ages. It showcases coloring pages and encourages learning through games and activities. Please note this product is designed to print two-sided and flip on the short edge. Put the pages in order then staple or fold in the middle. |
The Placemat is designed to be printed on one side or two as needed to support your luncheon or other observance activity. The product may contain interactive smartphone links and videos. It can be printed at 8.5 X 11 or 8.5 X 17 inches. |
Additional Resources, Links and other References
Additional Resources
Use the Resource Base to populate the editable mini poster template above or to create your own presentation or observance products.
External Links
► Experiencing War - Women of Four Wars
► Library of Congress
► National Park Service
► National Women's History Museum
► National Women's History Project
► Powers of Persuasion - Women's Posters
► Women in Military Service for America Memorial
► Women in the U.S. Army
► Department of Defense Education Activity Calendar
Women's History Month Archives
This link contains all previous years' posters and support products as available. Current years' products remain on the webpage above and won't appear in the archives until the next set of new products are posted. Archived products are either undated or editable so they can be used for any observance year as desired.
► Click Here for WHM Archives
Theme: Behind Every Name A Story: The Courageous
The U.S. Congress established Days of Remembrance as the nation's annual commemoration of the Holocaust.
Public Law 96-388 established the United States Holocaust Memorial Council and authorizes the actions of the council. Each year the President of the United States also issues a Presidential Proclamation for the observance.
The dates for Days of Remembrance and Holocaust Remembrance Day vary each year according to the Hebrew calendar.
For more details please see Days of Remembrance Frequently Asked Questions (provided by the US Holocaust Memorial Museum)
► Days of Remembrance & Holocaust Remembrance Day DEOMI News Release
► USD Personnel & Readiness Memo on Days of Remembrance
► Poster Description
Note: The posters may not be used in any manner that would reflect negatively on the DoD; degrade the name, reputation, or public goodwill of the DoD Components; or be contrary to DoD community relations objectives. Furthermore, use by non-federal entities may not create the appearance of DoD endorsement, affiliation, or sponsorship.
Click the images below to download / open the product shown
Depending on your browser you may be required to either open or save the file.
If you choose "open" some browsers will send the file to your download folder rather
than opening the document. Please check your download folder for the product.
Product is provided as a Powerpoint Presentation so that you may edit the product and add your own event information, add or remove slides, portray unit personnel...make it your own! Larger presentations may be provided as pdf files for convenience. |
The Video Clip is provided as a compliment to the presentation and can be played at unit events. The video highlights important figure(s) in this category. |
Screensaver / Wallpaper
Social Media Banner
Download the observancescreen saver to show your support all month long! |
The Social Media Banner is designed to fit the requirements of most social media platforms. Other platforms available below:
► Download LinkedIn Banner
Facts Mini Poster
Facts Mini Poster Template
The Facts Mini Poster is a finished product which is designed to use as is and showcases the current poster along with a selection of facts and links (QR Codes) to relevant materials. Provided as a pdf file. |
The Facts Mini Poster Template
contains a fully editable center portion to which you can add your own observance information. Get creative! Use this design to support your event in a variety of ways! Provided as a .doc file. |
Invitation/Thank You Card
The Program Template is fully editable. Add your own observance information to highlight an individual or your unit event. Provided as a .doc file. |
The bookmark is designed at five per sheet and can be printed on standard 8.5 X 11 inch paper. For best results print in color on heavy cardstock, laminate, and cut apart. We've used both cold and hot lamination with great results. |
Use the Invitation/Thank You Card as is or tailor it to personalize your invitations and thank you notes. Provided as a .doc file. |
Activity Book
The Activity Book is designed to share with your younger event attendees but can be enjoyed by all ages. It showcases coloring pages and encourages learning through games and activities. Please note this product is designed to print two-sided and flip on the short edge. Put the pages in order then staple or fold in the middle. |
The Placemat is designed to be printed on one side or two as needed to support your luncheon or other observance activity. The product may contain interactive smartphone links and videos. It can be printed at 8.5 X 11 or 8.5 X 17 inches. |
Additional Resources, Links and References
Additional Resources
► Resource Base
Use the Resource Base to populate the editable mini poster template above or to create your own presentation or observance products.
External Links
► American Jewish Historical Society
► Anti-Defamation League
► Jewish American Heritage Month
► Jewish War Veterans
► National Museum of American Jewish Military History
► Planning Observances for Military Audiences
► United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Free Planning Resource from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: To assist you in planning your observance for the Holocaust Days of Remembrance, the Museum has created a new resource containing a two-disc CD and DVD set filled with advice and ready-to-use resources for organizing civic, military, and interfaith observances. This resource is free and can be obtained by completing and submitting an order form (click here for form).
► Department of Defense Education Activity Calendar
Days of Remembrance Archives
This link contains all previous years' posters and support products as available. Current years' products remain on the webpage above and won't appear in the archives until the next set of new products are posted. Archived products are either undated or editable so they can be used for any observance year as desired.
► Click Here to access DOR Archives
Theme: Advancing Leaders Through Innovation
The observance recognizing Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month was established by Title 36, U.S. Code, Section 102. This observance runs through the month of May and celebrates the service and sacrifices of Asian/Pacific Islanders throughout the United States. The theme for this event changes each year.
► USD Personnel & Readiness Memo on AANHPIHM
► Poster Description
Note: The posters may not be used in any manner that would reflect negatively on the DoD; degrade the name, reputation, or public goodwill of the DoD Components; or be contrary to DoD community relations objectives. Furthermore, use by non-federal entities may not create the appearance of DoD endorsement, affiliation, or sponsorship.
Click the images below to download / open the product shown
Depending on your browser you may be required to either open or save the file.
If you choose "open" some browsers will send the file to your download folder rather
than opening the document. Please check your download folder for the product.
Alternate Posters
Product is provided as a Powerpoint Presentation so that you may edit the product and add your own event information, add or remove slides, portray unit personnel...make it your own! Larger presentations may be provided as pdf files for convenience. |
The Video Clip is provided as a compliment to the presentation and can be played at unit events. The video highlights important figure(s) in this category. |
Screensaver/ Wallpaper
Social Media Banner
Download the observance screen saver to show your support all month long! |
The Social Media Banner is designed to fit the requirements of most social media platforms.
► Download LinkedIn Banner
Facts Mini Poster
Facts Mini Poster Template
The Facts Mini Poster is a finished product which is designed to use as is and showcases the current poster along with a selection of facts and links (QR Codes) to relevant materials. Provided as a pdf file. |
The Facts Mini Poster Template
contains a fully editable center portion to which you can add your own observance information. Get creative! Use this design to support your event in a variety of ways! Provided as a .doc file. |
Invitation/Thank You Card
The Program Template is fully editable to which you can add your own observance information. Use this design to support your event in a variety of ways! Provided as a .doc file. |
The bookmark is designed at five per sheet and can be printed on standard 8.5 X 11 inch paper. For best results print in color on heavy cardstock, laminate, and cut apart. We've used both cold and hot lamination with great results. |
Use the Invitation/Thank You Card as is or tailor it to personalize your invitations and thank you notes. Provided as a .doc file. |
Activity Book
The Activity Book is designed to share with your younger event attendees but can be enjoyed by all ages. It showcases coloring pages and encourages learning through games and activities. Please note this product is designed to print two-sided and flip on the short edge. Put the pages in order then staple or fold in the middle. |
The Placemat is designed to be printed on one side or two as needed to support your luncheon or other observance activity. The product may contain interactive smartphone links and videos. It can be printed at 8.5 X 11 or 8.5 X 17 inches. |
Additional Resources, Links or other References
Additional Resources
► Resource Base
Use the Resource Base to populate the editable mini poster template above or to create your own presentation or observance products.
External Link
► Asian Nation
► Asian Pacific American Heritage Association
► Asian Pacific Islanders in the US Army
► Federal Asian Pacific American Council
► National Museum of American History
► Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center
► Department of Defense Education Activity Calendar
Asian American / Pacific Islander Heritage Month Archives
This link contains all previous years' posters and support products as available. Current years' products remain on the webpage above and won't appear in the archives until the next set of new products are posted. Archived products are either undated or editable so they can be used for any observance year as desired.
► Click Here to Access AAPIHM Archives
Theme: Pride In All Who Serve / A Place For All
Celebrating and recognizing the diversity of both civilian employees and Service members across the Department of Defense (DoD); June is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ+) Pride Month. It is observed in June to commemorate the riots that occurred in June 1969 at the Stonewall Inn in Manhattan, New York. The event, known as the Stonewall Riots, became the catalyst for the gay rights movement in the United States and around the world to achieve equal justice and opportunities.
► Pride Month DEOMI News Release
► USD Personnel & Readiness Memo on Pride Month
► Poster Description - Pride Month
Note: The posters may not be used in any manner that would reflect negatively on the DoD; degrade the name, reputation, or public goodwill of the DoD Components; or be contrary to DoD community relations objectives. Furthermore, use by non-federal entities may not create the appearance of DoD Endorsement, affiliation, or sponsorship.
Click the images below to download / open the product shown
Depending on your browser you may be required to either open or save the file.
If you choose "open" some browsers will send the file to your download folder rather
than opening the document. Please check your download folder for the product.
Video not available |
Product is provided as a Powerpoint Presentation so that you may edit the product and add your own event information, add or remove slides, portray unit personnel...make it your own! Larger presentations may be provided as pdf files for convenience. |
The Video Clip is provided as a compliment to the presentation and can be played at unit events. The video highlights important figure(s) in this category.
Social Media Banner
Download the observance screen saver to show your support all month long! |
The Social Media Banner is designed to fit the requirements of most social media platforms. |
Facts Mini Poster
Facts Mini Poster Template
The Facts Mini Poster is a finished product which is designed to use as is and showcases the current poster along with a selection of facts and links (QR Codes) to relevant materials. Provided as a pdf file. |
The Facts Mini Poster Template
contains a fully editable center portion to which you can add your own observance information. Get creative! Use this design to support your event in a variety of ways! Provided as a .doc file. |
Graphic Display Banner
The bookmark is designed at five per sheet and can be printed on standard 8.5 X 11 inch paper. For best results print in color on heavy cardstock, laminate, and cut apart. We've used both cold and hot lamination with great results. |
This Graphic Display Banner is designed to be used with a free standing banner. These banner stands will generally support printing on heavy paper or fabric. |
Invitation/Thank You Card
Use the Invitation/Thank You Card as is or tailor it to personalize your invitations and thank you notes. Provided as a .doc file. |
The Program Template is fully editable. Add your own observance information to highlight an individual or your unit event. Provided as a .doc file. |
Additional Resources, Links or other References
Additional Resources
► Resource Base
Use the Resource Base to populate the editable mini poster template above or to create your own presentation or observance products.
External Links
Coming Soon!
Pride Month Archives
This link contains all previous years' posters and support products as available. Current years' products remain on the webpage above and won't appear in the archives until the next set of new products are posted. Archived products are either undated or editable so they can be used for any observance year as desired.
► Click Here to Access the Pride Archives
Theme: Opportunity Freedom Celebrated
The Juneteenth National Independence Day Act passed the Senate by unanimous consent on June 15, 2021, and the House on June 16, 2021, and was signed into law as Public Law 117-17, designating June 19th as a federal holiday.
For more information see the Congressional Record:
► https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/475/text
Additional Details:
President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, announcing, “that all persons held as slaves” within the rebellious areas “are, and henceforward shall be free.” On June 19, 1865, General Gordon Granger announced General Order No. 3, which stated: “The people of Texas are informed that, in accordance with a proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free...”
In 2021, Juneteenth National Independence Day was declared a federal holiday and a Presidential Proclamation was issued on June 18, 2021. Juneteenth honors the end to slavery in the United States and is considered the longest-running African American holiday. Most importantly, it represents victory over the institution of slavery and the beginning of the fulfillment of America’s promise of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for African Americans.
► Juneteenth DEOMI News Release
► USD Personnel & Readiness Memo on Juneteenth
► Poster Description
Note: The posters may not be used in any manner that would reflect negatively on the DoD; degrade the name, reputation, or public goodwill of the DoD Components; or be contrary to DoD community relations objectives. Furthermore, use by non-federal entities may not create the appearance of DoD endorsement, affiliation, or sponsorship.
Click the images below to download / open the product shown
Depending on your browser you may be required to either open or save the file.
If you choose "open" some browsers will send the file to your download folder rather
than opening the document. Please check your download folder for the product.
Product is provided as a PowerPoint Presentation so that you may edit the product and add your own event information, add or remove slides, portray unit personnel...make it your own! Larger presentations may be provided as pdf files for convenience. |
The Video Clip is provided as a compliment to the presentation and can be played at unit events. The video highlights important figure(s) in this category. |
Social Media Banner
Download the observance screen saver to show your support all month long!
The Social Media Banner is designed to fit the requirements of most social media platforms. |
Facts Mini Poster
Facts Mini Poster Template
The Facts Mini Poster is a finished product which is designed to use as is and showcases the current poster along with a selection of facts and links (QR Codes) to relevant materials. Provided as a pdf file. |
The Facts Mini Poster Template contains a
fully editable center portion to which you can add your own observance information. Get creative! Use this design to support your event in a variety of ways! Provided as a .doc file. |
Graphic Display Banner
The bookmark is designed at five per sheet and can be printed on standard 8.5 X 11 inch paper. For best results print in color on heavy cardstock, laminate, and cut apart. We've used both cold and hot lamination with great results. |
This Graphic Display Banner is designed to be used with free standing banner. These banner stands will generally support printing on heavy paper or fabric. |
Invitation/Thank You Card
Use the Invitation/Thank You Card as is or tailor it to personalize your invitations and thank you notes. Provided as a .doc file. |
The Program Template is fully editable. Add your own observance information to highlight an individual or unit event. Provided as a .doc file. |
Activity Book
The Activity Book is designed to share with your younger event attendees but can be enjoyed by all ages. It showcases coloring pages and encourages learning through games and activities. Please note this product is designed to print two-sided and flip on the short edge. Put the pages in order then staple or fold in the middle. |
The Placemat is designed to be printed on one side or two as needed to support your luncheon or other observance activity. The product may contain interactive smartphone links and videos. It can be printed at 8.5 X 11 or 8.5 X 17 inches. |
Additional Resources, Links or other References
Additional Resources
► Resource Base
Use the Resource Base to populate the editable mini poster template above or to create your own presentation or observance products.
External Links
► Coming Soon!
Juneteenth Archives
This link contains all previous years' posters and support products as available. Current years' products remain on the webpage above and won't appear in the archives until the next set of new products are posted. Archived products are either undated or editable so they can be used for any observance year as desired.
► Click Here for the Juneteenth Archives
Theme: One Piece at a Time
The observance recognizing Women's Equality Day was established by Joint Resolution of Congress in 1971. Women's Equality Day is observed on the 26th day of August and commemorates the 1920 passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, which gave women the right to vote. The observance has grown to include focusing attention on women's continued efforts toward gaining full equality.
► Women's Equality Day DEOMI News Release
► USD Personnel & Readiness Memo on Women's Equality Day
► Poster Description
Note: The posters may not be used in any manner that would reflect negatively on the DoD; degrade the name, reputation, or public goodwill of the DoD Components; or be contrary to DoD community relations objectives. Furthermore, use by non-federal entities may not create the appearance of DoD endorsement, affiliation, or sponsorship.
Click the images below to download / open the product shown
Depending on your browser you may be required to either open or save the file.
If you choose "open" some browsers will send the file to your download folder rather
than opening the document. Please check your download folder for the product.
Video not available
Product is provided as a Powerpoint Presentation so that you may edit the product and add your own event information, add or remove slides, portray unit personnel...make it your own! Larger presentations may be provided as pdf files for convenience. |
The Video Clip is provided as a compliment to the presentation and can be played at unit events. The video highlights important figure(s) in this category. |
Social Media Banner
Download the observance screen saver to show your support all month long! |
The Social Media Banner is designed to fit the requirements of most social media platforms. |
Facts Mini Poster
Facts Mini Poster Template
The Facts Mini Poster is a finished product which is designed to use as is and showcases the current poster along with a selection of facts and links (QR Codes) to relevant materials. Provided as a pdf file. |
The Facts Mini Poster Template
contains a fully editable center portion to which you can add your own observance information. Get creative! Use this design to support your event in a variety of ways! Provided as a .doc file. |
Graphic Display Banner
The bookmark is designed at five per sheet and can be printed on standard 8.5 X 11 inch paper. For best results print in color on heavy cardstock, laminate, and cut apart. We've used both cold and hot lamination with great results. |
This Graphic Display Banner is designed to be used with free standing banner. These banner stands will generally support printing on heavy paper or fabric.
Invitation/Thank You Card
Use the Invitation/Thank You Card as is or tailor it to personalize your invitations and thank you notes. Provided as a .doc file. |
The Program Template is fully editable so you can add your observance information. Use this design to support your event in a variety of ways! Provided as a .doc file. |
Activity Book
The Activity Book is designed to share with your younger event attendees but can be enjoyed by all ages. It showcases coloring pages and encourages learning through games and activities. Please note this product is designed to print two-sided and flip on the short edge. Put the pages in order then staple or fold in the middle. |
The Placemat is designed to be printed on one side or two as needed to support your luncheon or other observance activity. The product may contain interactive smartphone links and videos. It can be printed at 8.5 X 11 or 8.5 X 17 inches. |
Additional Resources, Links or other References
Additional Resources
► Resource Base
Use the Resource Base to populate the editable mini poster template below or to create your own presentation or observance products.
External Links
► Library of Congress: American Memory Project: Votes for Women
► Not for Ourselves Alone (PBS)
► Rutgers University links on Women's Equality Issues
► Department of Defense Education Activity Calendar
Women's Equality Day Archives
This link contains all previous years' posters and support products as available. Current years' products remain on the webpage above and won't appear in the archives until the next set of new products are posted. Archived products are either undated or editable so they can be used for any observance year as desired.
► Click Here for WED Archives
Theme: Pioneers of Change: Shaping the Future Together
The observance recognizing National Hispanic Heritage Month was established by Title 36, U.S. Code, Section 126 and Public Law 100-402. Hispanic Heritage Month is observed from 15 September - 15 October of each year. The observance is celebrated during this time frame due to many significant events for various Hispanic communities which fall within the observance period. The President issues a Proclamation each year calling on the people of the United States, especially the educational community, to observe National Hispanic Heritage Month with appropriate ceremonies and activities. Hispanics have had a profound and positive influence on our country through their strong commitment to family, faith, hard work, and service. They have enhanced and shaped our national character with centuries-old traditions that reflect the multi-ethnic and multicultural customs of their community. The theme for this event changes each year.
► National Hispanic Heritage Month DEOMI News Release
► USD Personnel & Readiness Memo on National Hispanic Heritage Month - Coming Soon
► Poster Description
Note: The posters may not be used in any manner that would reflect negatively on the DoD; degrade the name, reputation, or public goodwill of the DoD Components; or be contrary to DoD community relations objectives. Furthermore, use by non-federal entities may not create the appearance of DoD Endorsement, affiliation, or sponsorship.
Click the images below to download / open the product shown
Depending on your browser you may be required to either open or save the file.
If you choose "open" some browsers will send the file to your download folder rather
than opening the document. Please check your download folder for the product.
Presentation |
Video |
Coming Soon |
The Presentation is provided as a powerpoint presentation so that you may edit the product and add your own event information, add or remove slides, portray unit personnel...make it your own! Larger presentations may be provided as pdf files for convenience. |
The Video Clip is provided as a compliment to the presentation and can be played at unit events. The video highlights important figure(s) in this category. |
Screensaver/Wallpaper |
Social Media Banner |
Download the observance screen saver to show your support all month long! |
Designed to fit requirements of most social media platforms. Also available for other platforms below.
► Download LinkedIn Banner
Facts Mini Poster
Facts Mini Poster Template
The Facts Mini Poster is a finished product which is designed to use as is and showcases the current poster along with a selection of facts and links (QR Codes) to relevant materials. Provided as a pdf file. |
The Facts Mini Poster Template
contains a fully editable center portion to which you can add your own observance information. Get creative! Use this design to support your event in a variety of ways! Provided as a .doc file. |
Standing Banner
The bookmark is designed at five per sheet and can be printed on standard 8.5 X 11 inch paper. For best results print in color on heavy cardstock, laminate, and cut apart. We've used both cold and hot lamination with great results. |
This Graphic Display Banner is designed to be used with free standing banner. These banner stands will generally support printing on heavy paper or fabric.
Invitation/Thank You Card
Use the Invitation/Thank You Card as is or tailor it to personalize your invitations and thank you notes. Provided as a .doc file. |
The Program Template is fully editable. Add your own observance information to highlight an individual or your unit event. Provided as a .doc file. |
Activity Book
The Activity Book is designed to share with your younger event attendees but can be enjoyed by all ages. It showcases coloring pages and encourages learning through games and activities. Please note this product is designed to print two-sided and flip on the short edge. Put the pages in order then staple or fold in the middle. |
The Placemat is designed to be printed on one side or two as needed to support your luncheon or other observance activity. The product may contain interactive smartphone links and videos. It can be printed at 8.5 X 11 or 8.5 X 17 inches. |
Additional Resources and References
Additional Resources
► Resource Base
Use the Resource Base to populate the editable mini poster templates above or to create your own presentation or observance products.
External Links
► DOD Observance of Hispanic Heritage Month
► Hispanic Americans in Congress
► Hispanic Americans in the U.S. Army
► National Council of Hispanic Employment Program Managers
► National Council of La Raza
► PEW Historical Center
► Smithsonian Latino Center
► The Library of Congress - Hispanic Heritage
► Department of Defense Education Activity Calendar
National Hispanic Heritage Month Archives
This link contains previous posters and support products for previous years as available. As new products are developed they will appear for that year so you may not see every product for every year. Products are either undated or editable so they can be used for any observance year as desired.
► Click Here to Access the NHHM Archives
Theme - Advancing Access and Equity
The observation of National Disability Employment Awareness Month is established by Public Law and Presidential Proclamation. National Disability Employment Awareness Month is observed from 1 - 31 October of each year. The awareness event is observed so that Americans may reaffirm commitment to ensuring equal opportunity for all citizens and so that they may pay tribute to the accomplishments of men and women with disabilities who contributed, continue to contribute, and wish to contribute to making the nation's economy strong. The theme for this event changes each year.
► National Disability Employment Awareness Month DEOMI News Release
► USD Personnel & Readiness Memo on National Disability Employment Awareness Month
► Poster Description
Note: The posters may not be used in any manner that would reflect negatively on the DoD; degrade the name, reputation, or public goodwill of the DoD Components; or be contrary to DoD community relations objectives. Furthermore, use by non-federal entities may not create the appearance of DoD endorsement, affiliation, or sponsorship.
Click the images below to download / open the product shown
Depending on your browser you may be required to either open or save the file.
If you choose "open" some browsers will send the file to your download folder rather
than opening the document. Please check your download folder for the product.
Presentation |
Video |
Product is provided as a PowerPoint presentation so that you may edit the product and add your own event information, add or remove slides, portray unit personnel...make it your own! Larger presentations may be provided as pdf files for convenience. |
The Video Clip is provided as a compliment to the presentation and can be played at unit events. The video highlights important figure(s) in this category. |
Screensaver / Wallpaper |
Social Media Banner |
Download the observance screen saver to show your support all month long! |
The Program Template is fully editable to which you can add your own observance information. Use this design to support your event in a variety of ways! Provided as a .doc file. |
Facts Mini Poster
Facts Mini Poster Template
The Facts Mini Poster is a finished product which is designed to use as is and showcases the current poster along with a selection of facts and links (QR Codes) to relevant materials. Provided as a pdf file. |
The Facts Mini Poster Template contains a fully editable center portion to which you can add your own observance information. Get creative! Use this design to support your event in a variety of ways! Provided as a .doc file. |
Invitation/Thank You Card
The Program Template is fully editable to which you can add your own observance information. Use this design to support your event in a variety of ways! Provided as a .doc file.
The bookmark is designed at five per sheet and can be printed on standard 8.5 X 11 inch paper. For best results print in color on heavy cardstock, laminate, and cut apart. We've used both cold and hot lamination with great results. |
Use the Invitation/Thank You Card as is or tailor it to personalize your invitations and thank you notes. Provided as a pdf file. |
Activity Book
The Activity Book is designed to share with your younger event attendees but can be enjoyed by all ages. It showcases coloring pages and encourages learning through games and activities. Please note this product is designed to print two-sided and flip on the short edge. Put the pages in order then staple or fold in the middle. |
The Placemat is designed to be printed on one side or two as needed to support your luncheon or other observance activity. The product may contain interactive smartphone links and videos. It can be printed at 8.5 X 11 or 8.5 X 17 inches. |
Web Banner Graphic Animation
Add this Graphic Animation to your website as a banner to add some movement to your site. |
Additional Resources, Links and other References
Additional Resources
► Resource Base
Use the Resource Base to populate the editable mini poster template above or to create your own presentation or observance products.
External Links
► Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
► Department of Labor Disability Resources
► Office of Personnel Management - Federal Employment of People with Disabilities
► Presidential Task Force on Employment of Adults with Disabilities
► Department of Defense Education Activity Calendar
National Disability Employment Awareness Month Archives
This link contains previous posters and support products for previous years as available. As new products are developed they will appear for that year so you may not see every product for every year. Products are either undated or editable so they can be used for any observance year as desired.
► Click Here to access the NDEAM Archives
Theme: Tribal Nations Soaring to New Heights
The observation of National American Indian Heritage Month has its roots in Public Law 99-471. Over several years the observation was moved to different months but in 1990 Public Law 101-343 set the month-long observance in November. Each year the President issues a Proclamation in recognition of the observance. National American Indian Heritage Month is observed from 1 - 30 November of each year. The observance month recognizes American Indians for their respect for natural resources and the Earth, having served with valor in our nation's conflicts and for their many distinct and important contributions to the United States. Please note that the title of this observance varies between the various documents listed and DEOMI uses that title set forth in the 1990 and subsequent Public Laws. The theme for this event changes each year.
► National American Indian Heritage Month DEOMI News Release
► USD Personnel & Readiness Memo on National American Indian History Month
► Poster Description
Note: The posters may not be used in any manner that would reflect negatively on the DoD; degrade the name, reputation, or public goodwill of the DoD Components; or be contrary to DoD community relations objectives. Furthermore, use by non-federal entities may not create the appearance of DoD endorsement, affiliation, or sponsorship.
Click the images below to download / open the product shown
Depending on your browser you may be required to either open or save the file.
If you choose "open" some browsers will send the file to your download folder rather
than opening the document. Please check your download folder for the product.
Product is provided as a powerpoint presentation so that you may edit the product and add your own event information, add or remove slides, portray unit personnel...make it your own! Larger presentations may be provided as pdf files for convenience. |
The Video Clip is provided as a compliment to the presentation and can be played at unit events. The video highlights important figure(s) in this category. |
Screensaver / Wallpaper
Social Media Banner
Download the observance screen saver to show your support all month long! |
Designed to fit requirements of most social media platforms. ► Linked In Background coming soon
Facts Mini Poster
Facts Mini Poster Template
The Facts Mini Poster is a finished product which is designed to use as is and showcases the current poster along with a selection of facts and links (QR Codes) to relevant materials. Provided as a pdf file. |
The Facts Mini Poster Template
contains a fully editable center portion to which you can add your own observance information. Get creative! Use this design to support your event in a variety of ways! Provided as a .doc file. |
Invitation/Thank You Card
The Program Template is fully editable to which you can add your own observance information. Use this design to support your event in a variety of ways! Provided as a .doc file.
The bookmark is designed at five per sheet and can be printed on standard 8.5 X 11 inch paper. For best results print in color on heavy cardstock, laminate, and cut apart. We've used both cold and hot lamination with great results. |
Use the Invitation/Thank You Card as is or tailor it to personalize your invitations and thank you notes. Provided as a .doc file. |
Activity Book
The Activity Book is designed to share with your younger event attendees but can be enjoyed by all ages. It showcases coloring pages and encourages learning through games and activities. Please note this product is designed to print two-sided and flip on the short edge. Put the pages in order then staple or fold in the middle. |
The Placemat is designed to be printed on one side or two as needed to support your luncheon or other observance activity. The product may contain interactive smartphone links and videos. It can be printed at 8.5 X 11 or 8.5 X 17 inches. |
Additional Resources, Links and other References
Additional Resources
► Resource Base
Use the Resource Base to populate the editable mini poster template above or to create your own presentation or observance products.
External Links
► American Indians in the United States Army
► Bureau of Indian Affairs (Dept. of the Interior)
► Indian Health Service
► Indians.org
► Society of American Indian Government Employees
► Department of Defense Education Activity Calendar
► American Indian History and Heritage - Teachers Guide
National American Indian Heritage Month Archives
This link contains previous posters and support products for previous years as available. As new products are developed they will appear for that year so you may not see every product for every year. Products are either undated or editable so they can be used for any observance year as desired.
► Click Here to Access NAIHM Archives
Theme: Honoring the Past, Securing the Future!
DEOMI created the Multicultural Poster series in order to support those organizations that have merged their Special Observances into a single event. The posters are designed to enhance cross-cultural awareness and recognize the continuous achievements of all Americans to American culture, to include those not previously recognized.
► Multicultural Observance News Release
► Poster Description
Note: The posters may not be used in any manner that would reflect negatively on the DoD; degrade the name, reputation, or public goodwill of the DoD Components; or be contrary to DoD community relations objectives. Furthermore, use by non-federal entities may not create the appearance of DoD endorsement, affiliation, or sponsorship.
Click the images below to download / open the product shown
Depending on your browser you may be required to either open or save the file.
If you choose "open" some browsers will send the file to your download folder rather
than opening the document. Please check your download folder for the product.
Social Media / Web Animation
Facts Mini Poster
Facts Mini Poster Template
The Facts Mini Poster is a finished product which is designed to use as is and showcases the current poster along with a selection of facts and links (QR Codes) to relevant materials. Provided as a pdf file. |
The Facts Mini Poster Template contains a fully editable center portion to which you can add your own observance information. Get creative! Use this design to support your event in a variety of ways! Provided as a .doc file. |
Invitation/Thank You Card
The bookmark is designed at five per sheet and can be printed on standard 8.5 X 11 inch paper. For best results print in color on heavy cardstock, laminate, and cut apart. We've used both cold and hot lamination with great results. |
Print the Invitation/Thank You Card and hand write your information or drop in a text box with your details to personalize your invitations and thank you notes. Provided as a .pdf file. |
Activity Book
Coming Soon! |
Coming Soon! |
The Activity Book is designed to share with your younger event attendees but can be enjoyed by all ages. It showcases coloring pages and encourages learning through games and activities. Please note this product is designed to print two-sided and flip on the short edge. Put the pages in order then staple or fold in the middle. |
The Placemat is designed to be printed on one side or two as needed to support your luncheon or other observance activity. The product may contain interactive smartphone links and videos. It can be printed at 8.5 X 11 or 8.5 X 17 inches. |
Screensaver / Wallpaper
Download the observance screen saver to show your support all month long! |
Multicultural Observances/Awareness Archives
This link contains previous posters and support products for previous years as available. As new products are developed they will appear for that year so you may not see every product for every year. Products are either undated or editable so they can be used for any observance year as desired.
► Multicultural Observance Archives
Need ideas on different ways to use our observance products? Below you will find products created from the field and fleet as well as other agencies on how our various products can be edited or combined to create something for your observance event. If you have an idea you would like to share, please send a good quality image to the DEOMI Webmaster at deomiwbm@us.af.mil.
Poster for entire year shown together along with supporting information.
Poster and News Release combined as a flyer.
Department of Defense Education Activity web page build out.
Lobby Display of poster and presentation
(Courtesy NUWC, Newport RI)
Women's History Month Web banner altered by DODEA to add images.
► Use of imagery on a cake |
Display of these images does not constitute endorsement by DEOMI or the DOD of the information, event, product, or service listed.